

Selasa, 08 November 2011

BMTH - Pray For Plague

She starts her new diet, of liquor and dick. just like hollywood but
in sick.
the sun goes down and so does she.
sold out the love that she had left with a cut of the throat.
drinks all round on her before she strolls to the moat.
so count you fucking blessings.
because im counting every lie.
christ, i'm asking you for just one thing: eradicate, this disease.
close your eyes. pray for plagues.
oh lord cleanse this earth
and bring upon our doomsday.
so clap your hands to the sound
of everyone first born dying now.
watch the rivers flow with blood
death with stand were life once stood

ALESANA - TheSpian

(Baby) why are you doing this to me
(Sweetheart) Are those your eyes staring straight back at me
(Angel) I see your smile everywhere
(Darling, stop)
Night falls
and I’m running in circles, oh
I’m being chased
by my imagination, oh
Tell me I’m forgiven say
you’ll always be mine
Say that everything is over,
tell me I’m fine
No one deserves to live like this! (x2)
I touch your lips
and stare in your eyes
You smile and it makes me fly
You are the reason my heart beats
Tonight it’s just you and me
Night as dark as my thoughts
sets the scene for my return
Lightning nips at my heels
as I race home
Wearily I stagger
towards the song of her pale voice
Demons jeer my attempt to be free
Tell me I’m forgiven say
you’ll always be mine
Say that everything is over,
tell me I’m fine
No one deserves to live like this! (x2)
I touch your lips
and stare in your eyes
You smile and it makes me fly
You are the reason my heart beats
Tonight it’s just you and me
Windows cast her gentle reflection
Her somber silhouette dances for me
Dear God, it’s her
Look at you, you miserable fool
Get off your knees,
your prayers fall upon deaf ears
Gods turned his back on you,
heavens gates are shut
And now you’re knocking
on the devil’s door
Ive been expecting you for some time, sir
Allow me to introduce myself
I’m the one who pulls on
all the strings, son
You’re lucky I don’t kill you
where you stand
Tonight I raise my glass
for I know its time to move on
(this can’t be real. there’s nothing left)
My patience will not last,
tomorrow I will be gone
(all hope has failed. Ive lost my soul)

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011



Puji dan syukur penulis panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah memberikan rahmat dan karunia-Nya sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan makalah dengan judul "BAHAYA NARKOBA DIKALANGAN REMAJA" ini dengan judul . Makalah ini di susun dalam rangka memenuhi tugas bahasa indonesia di SMA Masehi 1PSAK.

Dalam menyusun makalah ini, penulis banyak memperoleh bantuan serta bimbingan dari berbagai pihak. Oleh karena itu, penulis ingin menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada
Penulis menyadari bahwa dalam menyusun tugas ini masih jauh dari sempurna, untuk itu penulis sangat mengharapkan kritik dan saran yang sifatnya membangun guna sempurnanya tugas ini. Penulis berharap semoga tugas ini dapat bermanfaat bagi penulis khususnya dan bagi pembaca umumnya.

Semarang, 30 Oktober 2011

       Reza Project